Sunday, October 07, 2007

playing, voices, bee

Sainsbury's is just opening for Sunday shopping. Two male employees are playing with a pedestrian-operated, powered pallet truck. One steers the machine forward, the other hangs on, sliding backwards like a skater. They disappear into the warehouse.

From an open, sash window I hear voices talking within as I pass in the street. Or is it the radio?

Outside our front door, hangs a single inflorescence of unseasonal wisteria. A bee moves from floret to floret. I watch it run out of options and fly away. A moment later it returns. Or is it another bee? I watch again as it repeats its routine with the wisteria. Off it goes. I see it circle and return, this time definitely the same bee. Bees and wisteria are as scarce as one another today.

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