Monday, July 16, 2012

rock July haiku meaning

Much photographed at the highest point of The Common is a granite outcrop on which young and old have scrambled for generations. Examined closely the texture of the rock is not so easily identifiable as the familiar Tunbridge Wells outline. This would be a colour photograph if there were any colour other than black and white in the rock.

July haiku
In the summer rain
ripening rowen berries
have switched to amber

The  old lady, who curled her lip when I mentioned Shakespeare the other day, responds to my "good morning" in this morning's grey drizzle with a faint smile. "One day we'll be able to say good morning when we really mean it".  I think I could become fond of her.


marja-leena said...

As you know, I love rocks, and this photo is stunning. It could be an aerial shot of mountains with a deep rift or valley.

Lucas said...

Like this haiku. Beyond the edges of its tiny form a world of growing fruits and raining summer skies expands!